MG Speaks - Nonprofit Blog Articles

Blog articles on various nonprofit related topics – MG Speaks will be opinionated, insightful, brutally honest and written like I speak!

Nonprofit Consulting Business Consultant Mark GeallisIn my nonprofit blog articles or as the keynote speaker at your event, I will deliver truth through the eyes of an outspoken homeless advocate, successful nonprofit Executive Director turned Nonprofit Consultant, who is strong in faith but has a weak filter.  I am available to speak about homeless issues and solutions to your NPO staff, or to deliver a passionate Keynote speech at your nonprofit gala or fundraising event.
Upcoming topics will include Overcoming Homelessness & Poverty, How to beat the NIMBY, Why Housing First Can’t Last, Why Your Donors Don’t, Donor Database Follies, Overcoming the Bored Board, The High Barrier to Low Barrier Homeless Shelters, How To Manage Your Nonprofit Consultant, The Online Fundraising Fallacy, Alternative Housing is the Solution, The Profitable Nonprofit and… How Can a Nonprofit Consultant Find Time to Write Blog Articles!

I provide remote nonprofit consulting anywhere in the USA from our Central Florida office in Daytona Beach. Nonprofit consultant services are available onsite at the location of your nonprofit organization anywhere in the Southeast, USA. Connect with Mark Geallis now if you have an idea for a nonprofit blog article or would like a Keynote address about homelessness and poverty at your nonprofit fundraiser, gala or event or for a free phone consultation to see how MG Nonprofit Consulting can help your nonprofit do good…better!